A piece of ice is graspable, it has defined boundaries. It is an object you can control, or at least you think you can. Because an ice cube will always slide off your hands. On the opposite, the air surrounding […]
This is where I share my ideas
A piece of ice is graspable, it has defined boundaries. It is an object you can control, or at least you think you can. Because an ice cube will always slide off your hands. On the opposite, the air surrounding […]
IMPERSONAL EXPERIENCE I wanted to make something both personal and completely impersonal. The idea behind this paradoxical thought was to make a painting with a patent lack of gesture. Hence, I choose to do it with dots. A dot has […]
« On en vient à aimer d’avantage son désir que l’objet de ce désir » F. Nietzsche. Notre société nous inculque à consommer sans faire de différence entre nos besoins et nos envies. Tout ce que l’on souhaite acquérir provient d’un […]
At first sight, you would see a black square, linked to the canvas by four straight lines. But if you insist and take the title for granted, then you might start to see a bottomless white cubic box. If you see it, […]
Imagine yourself in a dark room, so dark that you can’t even see your own hands. You don’t know the spaces’ boundaries, the only thing you know is where the floor and the ceiling are, based on the actual gravity […]
Have you ever been in front of a painting or a photography for which the title was paradoxically : “untitled” ? Because it’s pretty common in museums and when you face it, a frustrating feeling emerges within you. You wonder […]
When you look at the painting from a distanced point of view, you can easily read the “peace” symbol, used by hippies during the Vietnam war. This symbol is powerful, everyone know its meaning, everyone can recognize its shape; he […]
At first glance, when you look at these two paintings, nothing may happen. Then you read the title, and you wonder why you are seeing one vertical rectangle and the other one horizontal, while the title is clearly stating […]
First of all, let’s put everything together. On one side, we have the well-known Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid who won the competition for the Olympic stadium in Tokyo for the 2016 games. On the other side, we have a large part […]
La curiosité est inhérente à l’espèce humaine. Depuis toujours, artistes, philosophes, scientifiques, mathématiciens, et autres esprits éclairés on cherché à expliquer la nature des choses. Le pourquoi précédé du comment est devenu un modèle de pensé commun à l’animal intelligent […]
«We have to simplify our perception, and the simplification is something which is very important for the model, if you have too many kind of things in the model, the model doesn’t say anything. That’s something we do in every […]
“Landscape hold memories, our subconscient is very powerful, it’s prehistoric that we can read the landscape from its far greater depth and we’are able to communicate what we can see, we can read the flow of love, we understand deep, […]
“Il n’y a qu’une chose qui se démode: la mode, et c’est la mode qui emporte le succès.” Pierre Reverdy S’habiller est un besoin. les vêtements nous protègent de notre environnement. Chez les Inuits par exemple, l’épaisseur du vêtement est considérable. Il ne s’agit pas pour eux de se vêtir de peau […]
La photo capture un moment précis, ça, tout le monde le sait. Mais pour moi, elle doit raconter une histoire qui doit pouvoir être assimilée très rapidement, aussi rapidement que le moment qu’elle a capturée. Car ce n’est pas parce […]
Haaah le sud. Ses terres arides, ses oasis, ses paysages majestueux, sa cuisine… et surtout, surtout, sa chaleur cuisante. Le voyage commence par 8 heures de route à travers des paysages d’une force si puissante que les nomades n’ont pu […]